Friday, August 21, 2020

Aeschylus is primarily concerned with the nature o Essay Example For Students

Aeschylus is fundamentally worried about the nature o Essay f equity. In the set of three The Oresteia, the Akhaians advance from a more established, increasingly crude absolutist type of equity, to another idea of common equity conceived by Athena. He faces the difference between the old and new requests, the lives of the individuals from the House of Atreus, and the genuine good inquiries that Orestes wrongdoing presents.The body of evidence against Orestes is solid. The child confesses to striking down his mom, infringing upon the hallowed inhabitant of connection. Be that as it may, I returned, my long periods of outcast weatheredkilled the person who bore me, I wont deny it, executed her in vengeance. (Eumenides lines 476-478) This shows Orestes was completely mindful of the demonstration he was submitting, that he obstinately dedicated it, and that he should languish over it. The bond among mother and youngster was broken when Orestes killed Clytaemnestra. Marriage, ostensibly, is an occupant of Zeus and the Olympians. In the old reques t of things, family is by blood as it were. A couple have no blood connection, yet the child is of a similar blood as his folks. The Furies right to retaliation can't be excused. Clytaemnestra is one who maintained the laws of the Furies. Agamemnons murder of Iphegenia at Aulis was unadulterated shock. Truly he had the heart to forfeit his little girl , to favor the war (Agamemnon lines 222-223) Agamemnon slaughtered his own blood connection so as to cruise for Troy. This as well, is a horrendous wrongdoing, apparently of a similar load as Orestes act. Clytaemnestra accepted she was supported in avenging her girl, since her better half disregarded a consecrated inhabitant of the old divine beings. Here is Agamemnon, my better half made a carcass by this privilege handa magnum opus of equity. Done will be finished. (Agamemnon lines 1429-1431) This shows a reasonable profound quality behind Clytaemnestras intentions. She seems to have avocation for her activities. The revile on the House of Atreus is satisfied. In the last lines of Agamemnon the melody foretells Orestes return. Clytaemnestra reacts by saying to her new spouse, We will set the house all together once for all. (Agamemnon lines 1708) The choruss reason for recommending Orestess return is to show that the house isn't yet washed down of the revile.. Like his mom, Orestes has what he accepts to be an only thought process in retribution. In contrast to his mom, be that as it may, Orestes has doubts about murdering. He doesn't wish to strike down his mom, however understands that he should. The protection of Orestes is established in the way that Apollo requested him to do as such. Orestes confides in Apollos direction at his preliminary. Apollo will never bomb me, no, his huge force, his prophet charges me to oversee this preliminary. (Drink Bearers lines 273-275) Orestes accepts that he is advocated in avenging his god-respected dad, who was so ruthlessly killed by his mom. This pattern of blood in the House of Atreus shows up as though it will proceed for eternity. This pattern of savagery drives the divine beings to look for an alternate arrangement. In the event that the general public of Greece is to advance to a higher civilisation, some other way should be found to determine the contention of good inquiries. The antiquated thought of retribution doesnt appropriately apply here in light of the fact that both Clytaemnestra and Orestes acted on the side of genuine meanings of equity. The antiquated divine beings support Clytaemnestra and her activities, while Zeus, by methods for Apollo, underpins Orestes. The conflict between gods makes way for the development of another type of justicecivil equity. The antiquated law of reprisal, which expresses that blood must be paid for with more blood, is implemented by the Furies. This errand was given to them by Destiny at the beginning of time. youll give me blood for blood, you should! Wilt you alive, drag you down and there you pay, misery for mother-murdering distress! (Eumenides lines 262, 265) Their idea of equity is one where the law of counter is applied completely. They have no idea of sympathy or comprehension. They maintain the conviction that paying little heed to conditions, Orestes must be made to pay for his wrongdoing of matricide. The Furies speak to something more established and progressively sacrosanct which Apollo and Zeus don't regard. .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .postImageUrl , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:hover , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:visited , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:active { border:0!important; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:active , .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1d2bf5534 779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1d2bf5534779cd0e3e7a8b9d89d7b087:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: reasons for pearl harbor EssayAthenas foundation of the court to attempt homicide is critical, on the grounds that it gives a spot to the residents to choose about what moral components will be maintained in the Polis. The Eumenides is the battleground for the two contending moralities. The rages conjure their privileges as safeguards of blood, and it is up to Orestes and Apollo to persuade the jury that the child was simply in his activities. The jury is relied upon to accept that Apollos prophet is truethat Zeus himself appointed the demonstration. The Chorus poses the inquiry, Can a child spill his moms blood on the groun d, at that point sink into his dads corridors in Argos? (Eumenides lines 661-662) A clever response to this inquiry may have been to theoretically switch the inquiry on ClytaemnestraHow rapidly she sunk into life after she chop down her master. Yet, Apollo decides on the more fragile, increasingly self-assertive resistance. His discourse about how the dad is the main genuine parent has neither rhyme nor reason. Indeed, even the all-male jury would resent this contention. Athena, notwithstanding, starts the perfect that the law be concerned not just with the types of equity, as the Furies are energetic about, however with equity itself. The legal hearers must ask themselves whether Orestes was supported in submitting matricide. Conditions, thought processes and results must be considered at preliminary. Do they think about marriage as consecrated as the law of family? Is there a hallowed bond among mother and child? Or on the other hand just among father and child? Does Zeuss will abrogate the antiquated laws of the Furies? These are confounded good inquiry that Athena pose to the human jury to ponder. Indeed, even Athena accepts the issue unreasonably significant for her to judge exclusively. by all rights not even I ought to choose an instance of murdermurder whets interests. (Eumenides lines 486-487) She understands that if she somehow managed to intervene, the revile will never end. Maybe she is recommending that humans must choose when the divine beings oppose this idea. This is a significant advancement since it shows the excursion from the retributive equity in Agamemnon to the deliberative equity of Athenas council. A definitive choice is vague. The vote is tied for a reasonneither side advances an all around contended examination of Orestes case. There is equity on the two sides, and the jury understands this. Orestes is absolved by Athena on discretionary footing. She makes her choice for Orestes since she bolsters her dads Order, accepting that there is a requirement for the foundation of a higher thinking. One could likewise contend that she decided in favor of vindication since she is the divine force of war. She upheld Agamemnon, the General, all through the Trojan war and in this way wished to support his memory. She knows little of ladies, in spite of being female herself. Having settled the preliminary, Athena should likewise settle the outrage of the Furies. She thoughtfully welcomes them to join Zuess Ordersomething that is vital if harmony is to be made between the ages of immortals. She doesn't totally disprove them, nor deny them their place in the world.I will hold on for your ann oyance. You are more established. The years have shown you beyond what I can know. Be that as it may, Zeus, I think, gave me some knowledge that has its benefits. (Eumenides lines 855-859) She requests that the Furies acknowledge her proposal of making their home Athens, and to suffer as the upholders of the holy obligation of marriage. They acknowledge her offer since it is insightful and just. It changes the Furies from ruinous powers to gainful ones. This goals parts of the bargains the House of Atreus, just as a considerable lot of the contrasts between the

Monday, July 13, 2020

10 Words that Make Your Teachers Cringe

10 Words that Make Your Teachers Cringe (3) Academic writing can be tough to tackle. We usually don’t write research papers in the same way we talk or text in our everyday lives. Prime example: when have you ever wrote “yeah” or “hahaha” in a class paper? Since writing for an assignment uses a different “voice,” it can make the tone of papers and other projects difficult to master. Avoid the following words in your writing, and you will be off to a great start! For those seeking general writing help, EasyBib Plus has an automated grammar check that will scan your paper and provide suggestions on how to improve your grammar and writing style. 1. Really Part of speech:    adverb Example sentence:    Global warming is a really big problem that we must solve. Why you should avoid it:   “Really” is just a bit too informal to use in academic writing, and it doesn’t add too much to your argument most of the time. Try using words that are a little more specific and convey more nuance, such as “exceptionally” or “uncommonly.”   2. Never/Always Part of speech:    adverb Example sentence:    Politicians always have the best interests of the people they represent in mind. Why you should avoid it:    Using words like “never” and “always” are tricky in academic writing, as they are definitive and doesn’t give wiggle room for exceptions. You can almost always find an example that makes any argument untrue, so using absolutes is typically not a great idea. 3. Firstly Part of speech:    adverb Example sentence:    Firstly, I will discuss the importance of education in American society. Why you should avoid it:    Transitions are important, but ditch words like “firstly” and “lastly” in your writing. Those words were important when you were first learning to write in middle school, but now, focus on making clear topic sentences that will transition your reader without these filler words. 4. By Part of speech:    preposition Example sentence:    The cake was baked by Sarah. Why you should avoid it:    Try and avoid passive voice in your writing at all costs. If you see the word “by” appear frequently, you might need to change some of your sentences to the active voice. Active voice means that the subject of the sentence is performing the action, and it is better to use in your writing because it is generally clearer and less wordy. Take the example sentence above. In active voice, it changes to “Sarah baked the cake.” 5. Don’t Part of speech:    verb Example sentence:    They don’t know how to drive the car. Why you should avoid it:    Contractions like “don’t” are too informal to use in academic writing. This means that other contractions like “won’t” and “can’t” should be off limits too. This will make your writing sound more professional. 6. Basically Part of speech:    adverb Example sentence:    Raising the minimum wage would affect basically all Americans. Why you should avoid it:    The word “basically” is a no-go for a few reasons. First of all, it is just a little too informal. Try using words that provide more context, such as “substantially” or “essentially.” Also, the word is probably filler that can be taken out without changing the sentence’s meaning at all. For example, the example sentence still makes sense without “basically”: “Raising the minimum wage would affect all Americans.” 7. Etc. Part of speech: adverb Example sentence: Our school offers languages like Spanish, French, German, etc. Why you should avoid it: “Etc.” is short for the Latin expression et cetera, which means “and others.” While etc. has its place, formal academic writing is not the right one. It implies a sense of laziness and casualness that your teacher will not appreciate.   8. Got Part of speech:    verb Example sentence:    The plants got bigger after being treated with fertilizer. Why you should avoid it:    â€œGot” is another one of those informal verb forms that is best used in everyday speech and not your writing. Using constructions like “I have” or “I became” instead of “I got” will improve and elevate your writing. Always look for more specific verbs if possible! 9. Interesting Part of speech:    adjective Example sentence:    The effect of invasive species on their environments is interesting. Why you should avoid it:    The word “interesting” is the exact opposite of interesting. It has been overused so much that it is practically meaningless! Odds are that if you are writing about a topic, it is already interesting, so chuck this word in favor of adjectives that provide more flavor. 10.  Literally Part of speech:    adverb Example sentence:    The moon landing literally changed Neil Armstrong’s life. Why you should avoid it:    Literally is almost always misused in both writing and conversations. In addition to confusion about how to use the word, it doesn’t add much value when used correctly. Use words like “unquestionably “or “precisely” instead. Follow these tips and you will start to build a better tone in your writing assignments, as well as confidence in your writing. Is your paper done, but not your citations? Visit for tools that can easily help you generate an MLA format citation, an APA title page, or even an annotated bibliography in MLA. Our guides homepage also has a wide library of citation and writing guides that can teach you how to put together an APA citation, use interjections properly, and more!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Custody And Interrogation Of The Miranda Rights - 1399 Words

Unit 7 DB 1 Custody and interrogation contextual of our Miranda Rights Introduction Do you ever wonder about your Miranda Rights if you are ever questioned by an officer? Do you wonder if you will self-incrimination yourselves if you answer an officers questions in the wrong way? These are valid questions, and within this paper this learner hopes to answers them by describing custody and interrogation in the background of the Fifth Amendment, explain a circumstance where Miranda might be compulsory or a circumstance where the Miranda caveats would not be relevant. The Fifth Amendment rights, interrogation in invoked and how the Edward Rule is sometimes is considered in cases The Fifth Amendment defense that was espoused by the Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, which gave birth to two basic measures that would protect an individual’s Fifth Amendment rights and they were: they have the right to remain silent and the right to have counsel provided if they cannot afford one. The court also set in place another protection for citizens which were â€Å"privilege against compelled self-incrimination by requiring LEOs to provide certain warnings and obtain a waiver from a defendant prior to custodial interrogation† (Myers, 2010, para. 2). Thereby, if a person invokes their Fifth Amendment right to counsel, then all interrogation must stop, unless their counsel is present. According to Myers (2010, para. 3) the second layer of protection, which is often referred to as the EdwardsShow MoreRelatedHow Interrogation Worked Before Many Important Cases1575 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.† These are the words every juvenile hears as they are being taken into custody. Many juveniles do not understand or misinterpret the Miranda warning they are given. Juvenile are treated with a lesser degree of harshness from wording to punishment when dealing with law enforcement in comparison toRead MoreCourt Case : Miranda V. Arizona941 Words   |  4 PagesCourt Case: Miranda v. Arizona ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: In the case Miranda vs. Arizona. This case goes against the 5th and 6th amendments. Miranda says that the police had violated his 5th Amendment right to remain silent and his 6th Amendment right to legal counsel. Miranda addressed the Escobedo rule which states evidence obtained from an illegally obtained confession is inadmissibleRead MoreThe Court ruled in the case of Miranda v. Arizona that interrogations are in inherently stressful700 Words   |  3 Pagesof Miranda v. Arizona that interrogations are in inherently stressful and pressure the defendant to cooperate based on a lack of knowledge regarding their specific rights during questioning. Because of this finding they concluded officers have a duty to advise the defendant of their rights through the Miranda warning. The requirement is only required when the suspect is in custody and subject to interrogation [7].† The Court focused on the two conditions triggering the need for the Miranda warningRead MoreThe Law Enfo rcement Interrogation Procedures1655 Words   |  7 PagesIn 1966, a milestone in Law Enforcement interrogation procedures was established through the case of Miranda vs Arizona. In the case of Orozco vs Texas, just a couple years later in 1969, the guidelines established by Miranda vs Arizona changed the ruling of Reyes Arias Orozco who self-incriminated himself without being read his Fifth Amendment rights while being interrogated in his home. Orozco vs Texas effected interrogation procedures due to Orozco being interrogated inappropriately in his ownRead MoreThe On The American Criminal Jurisprudence1673 Words   |  7 Pages1. BACKGROUND The background of the case rotates in depth on issues pertinent to the rights to be granted an attorney and self-incrimination as enshrined in the 5th amendment under the United States constitution. The 5th amendment privilege in text provides that, no suspect will be compelled to answer for any capital or infamous crime, unless directed or indicated by the relevant Grand Jury. The only exception being granted to ceases in land and naval spaces that fall under the militia sphere ofRead MoreThe Rights Of The Supreme Court1290 Words   |  6 PagesYou have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law...† These famous words, so often heard in movies and television shows as a character is arrested, are well known to Americans. But why are law enforcement officials mandated to repeat this to individuals they arrest? Where did it come from? In Miranda V. Arizona, a case taken all the way to the Supreme Court in 1966, it was decided that constitutional rights must be made clear to the defendantRead MoreCustodial Interrogation828 Words   |  3 PagesCustodial Interrogation 1. The statement made by the suspect regarding Youre having a bad day ¦ man, I cant believe they found my strap (firearm) is completely inadmissible. The reason is founded in basic criminal law: the suspect had not yet been read his Miranda rights. Although statements made by a suspect who was not given the Miranda warning or received it improperly cannot be used against him in a court of law (Siegel, 2009). The Miranda warning serves to inform a suspect of their rightsRead MoreEssay on Law Enforcement Must Read Your Miranda Rights700 Words   |  3 PagesMiranda Rights defined as: Miranda rights, is a warning giving by the police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings. Also Miranda rights are utilized by the law enforcement to make you aware of your rights as a US citizen. Many people think just because the law enforcement doesn’t read you your rights they think they are off the hook â€Å"WRONG† that doesn’tRead More Suspects Need Their Miranda Rights Essay1746 Words   |  7 Pagessource of the prosecutor’s evidence. When a suspect is brought into police custody to obtain a confession or a statement, police officers are required to read the Miranda warning if they believe the confession will be used to convict the suspect. The constitutional basis for the Miranda warning and the conditions for a voluntary waiver of the Miranda rights were announced by the U.S. Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona. Miranda v. Arizona, announced June, 13 1966, resolved four separate criminal appealsRead MoreEssay on The Miranda Decision1524 Words   |  7 PagesThe Miranda Decision In 1966, the U. S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark decision in Miranda v. Arizona. The Miranda decision was a departure from the established law in the area of police interrogation. Prior to Miranda, a confession would be suppressed only if a court determined it resulted from some actual coercion, threat, or promise. The Miranda decision was intended to protect suspects of their 5th Amendment right of no self-incrimination. The verdict of Miranda v. Arizona

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Does Zodiac Sign Matter - 988 Words

Does your Zodiac sign matter? A lot of people ask what astrology is and what the Zodiac signs are. They also ask whether they can trust what the zodiac signs say about them. Zodiac signs, horoscopes, or Astrology had been topics that created arguments between lots of people. A lot of people believe in zodiac signs and their descriptions about the people’s characteristics. Other people think believing in Zodiac signs is just like believing in superstitions. Believing is Astrology might not sound right, but according to a lot of things it also can be as much right as it might sound wrong. In order to actually know why zodiac signs matter, people first have to know what are the zodiac signs, what astrology is and what it means. People have to look out at Astrology from different perspectives; they have to look at it throughout history, science, and peoples’ observations. According to Cambridge University Dictionary, Astrology is â€Å"the study of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets, and stars in the belief that they affect the character and lives of people.† Studying the stars, planets, moon, sun are some of the basic things students learn in schools. But when it comes to believing that these (sun, moon, planets, and stars) have or can effect on people’s lives and characters, yes it is hard to believe that. However if people actually take some time reading about their Zodiac signs or read about astrology, they will find out that some of the characteristics onShow MoreRelatedThe Zodiac Of A Zodiac1273 Words   |  6 Pages The zodiac calendar is an astrological theory that leads a path from the sun, moon, and planets creating a â€Å"belt† shape. This pathway follows around the earth into twelve sectors, each of which are associated with a sign, a symbol and a personality type. (Astrology) The twelve signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign relates to a specific month on our calendar system, and who ever is born on a certain day and monthRead MoreAnne Bradstreet: Thoughts Towards of Her Husband1318 Words   |  6 Pages2 â€Å"My sun is gone so far in’s zodiac,† From my point of view, the poet overlooks her husband that is why she addresses her husband by a series of metaphors, the main one being the sun. By the phrase, â€Å"My Sun†, there poet concentrate ones how much she misses him, since he gone so far for public employment. Then, she relates the sun with â€Å"zodiac† and in lines 7 and 8 a new pattern of imagery emerges and this new image reveals by â€Å"zodiac† word. I think, by â€Å"zodiac† here the poet develops a metaphysicalRead MoreAstronomy Difficult Questions1145 Words   |  5 Pageslens to refract all colors of the spectrum to a common focus. 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The Riches of Don Quixote does the classic cowboy caper justice through a well-thought through and well-designed slot game. 5-reels, 25-paylines, and plenty of gun-toting action, this game is guaranteed to leave players on theRead MoreA Short Note On The Constellation Of Cancer1680 Words   |  7 Pagesconstellation of Cancer is one of the 88 modern constellations: located between the constellations Leo, Hydra and Gemini at between 07h 55m 19.7973s and 09h 22m 35.0364s right ascension and 33.1415138 ° and 6.4700689 ° declination. It is al so one of the 12 Zodiac constellations and one of the original 48 listed by the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Its name is Latin for crab and its astrological symbol is ♋, which represents crab pincers. This constellation attracted my interest because it contains a galaxyRead MoreThe Zodiac Killer And The Misfit1358 Words   |  6 PagesMyranda Elkin Dr. V. Hunt ENC1102 13 November 2016 Righteous Degenerate What do Adolf Hitler, The Zodiac Killer and, The Misfit all have in common? They are psychopathic murderers. Psychopaths do not feel therefore they cannot have morals in the same way normal people do. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor the character known as the Misfit loses the battle with his conscience and is proven to be immoral. According to the Oxford Dictionary, morality is, â€Å"a particular systemRead MoreArranged Marriage : A Choice Essay1161 Words   |  5 Pagesparents.† Yet Oxford dictionary and Google, the most common search engine used around the world, describes arranged marriages as â€Å"a marriage planned and agreed to by the families or guardians of the bride and groom, who have little or no say in the matter themselves.† On the other hand, New World Encyclopedia states that arranged marriage is defined as â€Å"an effort to guide young people through the process of finding the right person to marry.† Why is that we can easily define marriage as a bond or relationshipRead MoreThe Theories Of Science And Technology Within The Context Of Society1445 Words   |  6 Pagesmathematician and philosopher. As we see even with these above examples, patronage is described as a guideline for the career of Galileo. It does not matter who received the gift at all or even that a per son did. We, as historians, by examining it this way merely answer the basic questions of what the patronage system is and how it is demonstrated. It does not explain how scientific activity was shaped in the seventeenth century or really if it had any effect on science and technology of that eraRead More Love Scopes: Using Sun Signs to Understand a Persons Traits2324 Words   |  10 Pagesthem. If you looking for someone to constantly assure you in their life and devotion, you might want to keep looking. Taurus is a very sensual person can awaken sleeping passion in some one they care about. Gemini Keep in mind that Gemini is the sign of the twin. There is a part of them that needs love and security, and then there’s the stronger part of them that needs stimulation and novelty. To remain in a relationship with a Gemini you must be able to satisfy their emotional, mental and sexualRead MoreThe Simpsons, Family Guy, Aladdin, And All The Scary Movie Movies1127 Words   |  5 Pages Why do many TV shows and movies ridicule evil? It could be any number of reasons. Perhaps people didn’t want to fear it anymore, and thus, belittled it and took away its power over people. Maybe it is for any other number of reasons. However, no matter the reason, these numerous TV shows and movies afore-mentioned, mock evil. In Aladdin, there is a parrot named Iago. Iago is voiced by Gilbert Gottfried and appeared in the first film as the sidekick to the main antagonist Jafar, and later becomes

Marketing Research Project Free Essays

This is a proposal of marketing search project that is conducted by group A. Ben Jerry is chosen as our search target company. In the first part of this proposal, you can find detailed background information of Ben Jerry, which gives a rough description of its four â€Å"P† (price, promotion, place and people). We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Research Project or any similar topic only for you Order Now In addition, it also covers several issues about the European ice cream market. The next part of this proposal is mainly discussing marketing management problems. You can find out Ben Jerry‘s symptoms, suspected causes of its marketing management problems, Ben Jerry’s actions and its consequences. Besides that, we listed several questions to help us analyze customers’ buying behavior and the main methods we will used in order to finish our survey. The schedule and sampling plan will give you a full picture of our project progress. Ben Jerry’s Market Research Background Proposal 3 Plan of Approach BACKGROUND Market and Brand of Choice For the Marketing Research project 2005/2006 we chose to do our marketing research within the ice cream industry, in the Netherlands. The Ice Cream industry in the United States developed rapidly; nowadays they have started to expand their market to other continents such as Europe and Asia. We can find so many international ice cream brands in Europe, especially in the Netherlands such as Haagen Dazs, Ben Jerry’s, and Australian. Among the various international brands that are popular around the world, we are most interested in Ben Jerry’s. We have noticed that Ben Jerry’s is one of the most popular brands one can discover around big cities. Furthermore, we decided to go for Ben Jerry’s because we will benefit by doing research in The Netherlands since Ben Jerry’s is under the Unilever, which is part of the Unilever Group owned by the Netherlands-based Unilever N. V. and UK-based Unilever PLC, which is also one of the biggest consumer product company. Ice Cream Market Issues Sales of impulse ice cream are set to register positive value growth of 5. 5% during 2003, reaching a value of EUR 216. 8 million stimulated by good weather at the beginning of the summer season and dynamic impulse in terms of new product development and advertising. In volume, sales are expected to increase by 2%, indicating a marked preference for the higher value innovations introduced by leading manufacturer Unilever. Much of the growth are predicted to be driven by dairy-based impulse ice cream, which is the most popular product in the Netherlands with sales accounting for nearly 70% of total volume. Ben Jerry’s Market Research Background Proposal 4 Plan of Approach Furthermore, the single portion dairy ice cream is expected to register higher value growth in 2003, at 8. %, which lead to improving the performance of previous years due to a combination of better weather and intense brand and product promotion. Important Issues about the Brand Ben Jerry’s are using special characteristics for their brand that are simple to pronounce, recognize, and remember. The cow and green environment behind their logo is depicting their awareness of quality and benefits. Ben Jerry’s tries to acknowledge their customers that they alw ays use natural and fresh milk, always keep clean and green environment while producing their ice cream. To promote and to prove their mission, Ben Jerry’s uses special slogan like â€Å"From Cow to Cone†, â€Å"Lick Global Warming†, â€Å"Organic Ben Jerry’s†, and â€Å"50 Ways to Promote Peace†. Since Ben Jerry’s target market is ranging from kids to elderly people (Family), they have to ensure that there is an existence of brand awareness in specific segments. For kids, they would be more interested in the ice cream packages or paper with their favorite cartoons, such as Disney’s characters or Warner Bros. For adults and elderly people, they would take into consideration more about the nutrition facts, taste, and low-fat ice cream. Thus, it will be more interesting for them to see â€Å"Organics, low sugar, or low fat Ice Cream†. Ben Jerry’s are using brand extension to develop their brand. They have produced thousand of ice cream flavors under the name of one successful brand, which of course is â€Å"Ben Jerry’s†. They have extended its brand to organic ice cream, original ice cream, scoops menu, bars original ice cream, single original ice cream, and single novelties with different choice of taste in each product. How to cite Marketing Research Project, Essays

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Paradise Lost Censorship and Hypocrisy free essay sample

I love movies. I especially adore those films with an artistic, literary quality that is timeless and classical. In my experience, Italian movies seldom fail to evoke such feelings in me, and Cinema Paradiso was no disappointment. This heartwarming story about a little boy’s love affair with movies, and his subsequent coming-of-age in the repressive environment of ecclesiastical censorship and hypocrisy stirred great emotion in me, as I expected it would. The young Toto made me feel his awe as he attempted to see the forbidden film images hidden from him by his friend Alfredo at the behest of the town priest. The issue of censorship ran deep throughout the film. I believe censorship can actually provide a valid function in a community in some circumstances and situations, such as the protection of children from harmful imagery, literature or speech. Pornography, for example, can and should have its availability limited only to consenting adults. We will write a custom essay sample on Paradise Lost: Censorship and Hypocrisy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Falsely holding oneself out to be someone else, fraud, is also certainly not a protected form of free speech and should be censored. As a staunch civil libertarian, I have always believed that communities should set their own standards on censorship as much as possible. However as Rosenblatt (2002) points out in his persuasive essay about Cinema Paradiso, without the neutral and objective oversight of outsiders – such as the United States Supreme Court – even well-intentioned censorship can become repressive. Even in the movie, little Toto’s friend Alfredo felt that the local priest’s strictures were repressive. He told Toto, â€Å"You leave [the village] or you will never find your life in so narrow-minded a place. † The priest’s attempts to protect the town from movies’ love scenes were presented in a comical manner in the film, and certainly they were ridiculous, but not only for the way the scenes were produced. The censorship struck me as hypocritical and nonsensical if viewed as necessary to protect the morality of the community. For example, very early in the film we see young Toto stealing peeks into Alfredo’s projection booth. The boy sees many of the very scenes he is not supposed to be seeing. Later, he views by candlelight some of the frames the censor/priest demanded Alfredo remove from the films. But Toto does this in full view of his mother who seems more concerned with the fire hazard Toto creates than in his viewing of forbidden imagery. Clearly the priest’s attempts to protect Toto from the sordid scenes were ineffective. In at least one place in Cinema Paradiso, the omitted kiss scene was followed immediately by violent slapstick comedy. The teacher at Toto’s school severely beat and emotionally abused a young man named Boccia because he was poor at math. Toto’s mother physically abused Toto when she discovered he had spent the milk money on movies. In both cases, it seemed that no one had any problem with physical violence, even against children. Frequently in the movie several men in the audience laughed and jeered at the missing love scenes in the movies they were watching, knowing exactly what was missing from the film. It struck me as hypocritical that a community would see fit to strike scenes of love – kissing – from movies (even though everyone knew exactly what was being struck) while having no problem with actual physical violence. Lastly, I found it hypocritical that this town’s people would publicly vilify a family for being nominally â€Å"Stalinist† or â€Å"Communist† while ignoring the actual Stalin-esque repression in their midst. The scene in which the people wanted very much to see the movie playing at the Cinema Paradiso, but were turned away, was a good example of this. The filmmakers clearly wanted to portray the inappropriateness of the town’s hypocritical censorship and repression because they gave us such powerfully symbolic clues. As a result of Alfredo’s defiant act of projecting the movie into the street for the people, he inadvertently started a fire that burned down the old theater and cost him his sight. The man who defied the censorship of the town, symbolized by the refusal of the cinema’s owners to allow people in the street to see the film, and who provided them the vision of the movie (and Toto’s vision of becoming a filmmaker) – lost his vision. And his vision he lost in a fire, an intense symbol of purging, repression, or censorship.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Scrivener 3 Dont Use it Until You Read This!

Scrivener 3 Dont Use it Until You Read This! Scrivener 3: Don't Use it Until You Read This! If you’re familiar with the writing tools provided by Literature and Latte, you might already know about - and be using - Scrivener 3.But if you’re a Scrivener 2 user who’s hesitant to make the switch because of Scrivener’s steep learning curve, or if you’re a Windows user who’s simply waiting for Literature and Latte to release a compatible version of Scrivener 3, we’ve got some advice to help you make the decision - or just tide you over.Before we start talking about the new functionalities on offer, let’s quickly cover what Scrivener actually is. 📚 Debating whether or not to switch to Scrivener 3? This review might help. What is Scrivener?Scrivener by Literature and Latte is a word processor for Windows and Mac, designed expressly for writers - fiction and nonfiction authors, screenwriters, journalists, academics, and more.One of the issues many writers of long texts face is navigation: assembling all of their research and information in a way that makes it easy to access what they need, when they need it. Scrivener helps with this, offering writers the tools to organize concepts, notes, research, photos, videos, documents, and more.Fun fact: What does a scrivener do? Back in the day, a scrivener (or scribe) was someone who could read and write, and made their living writing or copying material on behalf of others. How to Write a Book: The Ultimate Guide Read post Making the callScrivener is known for its feast of functionalities - but also its steep learning curve. If you struggle to stay organized while writing a book, its many tools might just be the ticket to keeping you on track to the finish line.However, if you just want a place to write - but are hoping to format as you do - consider giving the Reedsy Book Editor a try. It doesn’t offer outlining or research tools, but it will leave you with a professional-looking manuscript at the end. Or if you’re not done your book-writing software window-shopping session yet, check out this list of six book-writing softwares - other than Scrivener!Have you used Scrivener 3 - or any of its earlier iterations? Let us know what you liked about it or any struggles you faced in the comments below!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

How To Calculate Experimental Error in Chemistry

How To Calculate Experimental Error in Chemistry Error is a measure of the accuracy of the values in your experiment. It is important to be able to calculate experimental error, but there is more than one way to calculate and express it. Here are the most common ways to calculate experimental error: Error Formula In general, error is the difference between an accepted or theoretical value and an experimental value. Error Experimental Value - Known Value Relative Error Formula Relative Error Error / Known Value Percent Error  Formula % Error Relative Error x 100% Example Error Calculations Lets say a researcher measures the mass of a sample to be 5.51 grams. The actual mass of the sample is known to be 5.80 grams. Calculate the error of the measurement. Experimental Value 5.51 gramsKnown Value 5.80 grams Error Experimental Value - Known ValueError 5.51 g - 5.80 gramsError - 0.29 grams Relative Error Error / Known ValueRelative Error - 0.29 g / 5.80 gramsRelative Error - 0.050 % Error Relative Error x 100%% Error - 0.050 x 100%% Error - 5.0%

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Integrated Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Integrated Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Introduction In any form of business, the domain of marketing is regarded as quite significant and one of the prominent activities to be conducted in promoting as well as establishing the intended brand within the target market. It is important to note that for any business to promote or to convey information about its products or services to the targeted customers, the tool of marketing must be essentially put into efficient use. Contextually, it has been observed that companies communicate with the customers with the help of various tools of marketing, which comprise of advertising and other promotional activities to make them aware about what the business is offering to them. Unarguably, without proper marketing strategy, the success of business is quite likely to become highly uncertain and will probably remain unaccomplished upto a larger extent (Lamb & et. al 2008). Contextually, the primary intention of this report is to frame an integrated marketing strategy to promote Bullet Proof Vests as a newly launched product in the targeted market. Overview- Integrated Marketing Communication Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is conceptually explained as an unconventional domain of marketing management that involves the implementation of conveying succinct and all-inclusive information about the proposed brand across numerous and diverse marketing channels. It is defined by experts as an integrated approach of marketing, which is designed with the intention to ensure that all the communication activities in the domain of marketing management are applied in a unified form involving various other beneficial channels of communication (International University of science and Technology, 2013). For strategizing the promotional framework required in the launch of the product i.e. bullet proof vests, some of the tools of IMC including advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, internet marketing, personal selling and publicity will be imple mented. These tools will together work towards the accomplishment of the set goals, which in this case is to promote the features of bullet proof vests to the targeted market and convince or encourage the potential buyers to purchase the same. Promotion Mix Strategy Promotion mix strategies mainly include two forms of approaches, which comprise pull strategy and push strategy, used according to the marketing intentions and product features to convey the information regarding products and/or services to the potential purchasers (Lamb & et. al 2008). Applying the push strategy approach, the product i.e. bullet proof vest will be promoted to the customers directly with the help of various tools of advertising during its initial introductory stage. It is worth mentioning in this context that application of a push strategy in the initial stage of the product launch will help it in gaining a percentage of market shares, countering the already existing competitive brands. In the subsequent phase, depending on the response from the customers towards the product, the pull strategy approach will be applied to encourage the customers to seek for the product from their end owing to its growing demand and preference in the market. Notably, as the armed forces and soldiers will be the targeted customers of the product, due attention will be provided towards quality

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Proposal - Essay Example This means that students may have to reschedule their arrival in the early morning even if their classes are in the afternoon session just to get a better parking spot!! Further, parking space provided for faculty members is 3-4 decks high and lies partially unoccupied due to its better parking space Vs vehicles ratio. And if students use these slots during rush hour, they are penalized through issue of tickets or towing away of vehicles even if these slots were vacant. Some students prefer to park their vehicles in the off-campus parking slots like Starbucks when their classes are closer to such parking lots than student's parking area. Unfortunately, students having classes at West campus or the forum area cannot do this! Similarly, some faculties like business have their classes closer to Beaver stadium, but is it possible for all university students to change over to business faculty simply to avail of this advantage! This is an unnecessary benefit for some students which also needs to be streamlined. This acute problem of parking facility for the students often creates unnecessary anxiety in terms of finding a parking slot at the last moment, lack of parking slot during the rush hour, waiting for a bus/walking down all the way and delays on such accords leading to students being penalized for coming late, feeling of a bias among students due to underutilized parking slots for faculty members and lack of interest by the university authorities to resolve the matter. This paper aims to suggest workable solutions to the problem and thereby help them stay motivated and happier while pursuing their studies at the university. THE SURVEY With a view to finding out whether this problem is unique to this author or the case is same with all faculty members, the undersigned conducted a basic survey of 200 students on this subject. The common view was that there exists an unreasonable and acute parking problem for the students of this university which needs to be resolved on due priority. The essence/terms of reference and outcome of the survey are appended below for a quick glance by one and all: 1. Do you think the university suffers from a parking problem Ans. Yes - 145/200 2. Where do you park usually Ans Campus - 130/200. 3. Would you like to park on campus Ans. All 200 students responded with a big YES. 4. Which of the following areas is the best area for rebuilding a parking deck a) Blue area b) Red area c) Yellow area d) Black area e) Green area Ans. Black area - 70/200. 5. Which available parking deck is the most convenient one to convert a) Park 1 b) Park 2 c) Park 3 d) Park 4 Ans. Park 2 - 80/200 6. If all solutions fail due to monetary issues and/or long term solutions, are you interested to help implement a point system Ans. Yes 145/200 7. Are you interested in being part of a student organization that will proceed and help make results happen Ans. Yes - 100/200. BUILDING/CONVERTING A PARKING DECK FOR STUDENTS As is evident from this survey, Black area and Park 2 parking deck seem to be popular and convenient choices for providing parking facilities for the students. However, the final decision as to where the parking deck should be provided is up to the committee in charge of making such decisions. While one deck can be constructed at Black area, it can be supplemented economically by converting one faculty deck for use by the

Friday, January 24, 2020

Working Capital Analysis of Wal-Mart Essay -- Business Management Fina

Working Capital Analysis of Wal-Mart Every business decision is associated in one way or another with the financial condition of the organization. The results of a working capital analysis will assist in the determination of organization ¡Ã‚ ¦s ability to remain in a particular line of business. The primary focus of Team C ¡Ã‚ ¦s analysis of Wal-Mart, Inc is its current and future financial condition. The most imperative areas that are found in the Capital Structure Analysis Report fall into the following categories: Working Capital Management, Valuation and Investment, and Cost of Capital. The company ¡Ã‚ ¦s operational processes within each area can be examined and related financial data reviewed. Once the financial data is collected and calculated potential areas for improvements can be identified and corrective or innovative measures can be implemented. As in all businesses, which include Wal-Mart, it must be considered that there is always room for improvement. Working Capital Management In order to fully understand the company ¡Ã‚ ¦s financial position a financial manager must consider the amount of net working capital available. The net working capital is the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Companies normally have a positive net working capital. The components of working capital change continually within the cycle of operations. (Brealey, 2001) Therefore, an effective manager will monitor the cash conversion periods to determine the length of the production process. The longer the process, the longer the company ¡Ã‚ ¦s money will be tied up in the process. The two elements in the business cycle that normally absorb the most cash are inventory and receivables. The main sources of cash are payables and equity or loans. Speeding up the working capital cycle will generate more cash for the company. This management of working capital will allow the company to maximize its use of existing cash flows as well as leverage additional sources of working capital. Underperforming Company Ratios Although Wal-Mart is performing well overall and remains a leader within the retail industry, the company is not without opportunities for improvement. An analysis of the financial ratios for the company over the last three years as well as an industry comparison has identified areas in which the company could enhance its ... ... 3.03 3.26 3.59 Payout Ratio_______________________.19__________.17__________.23____ Table B Industry Averages_____________________________________________________ Fiscal Year 2001 2002 2003____ Leverage Debt Ratio 1.58 2.2 .53 Times Interest Earned Ratio .75 1.78 2.46 Liquidity Current Ratio 3.1 2.8 2.6 Quick Ratio .6 .5 .4 Net Working Capital .195 .07 .195 Efficiency Asset Turnover Ratio 2.23 2.27 2.2 Average Collection Period 12.6 10.4 8 Inventory Turnover 5.24 5.38 5.73 Profitability Net Profit Margin 3.7 2.8 3.97 Payout Ratio_______________________ 32.4__________34.3________34.6___ Tables are a combination of the following resources:,,, UOP library resource Dun and Bradstreet industry ratios, and

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Culturally Competent Nursing in an Ever Changing Diverse World Essay

In nursing and healthcare the issue of culture is more pronounced than anywhere else. This is because many people various ethnic, religious, racial and cultural backgrounds come forth to hospitals and healthcare centres in search of health solutions. Due to these cultural disparities, patients often fail to receive quality services because of practices that are lacking in cultural competence. Cultural competence in nursing and healthcare refers to the efficiency with which a healthcare provider is able to offer quality service in a cross-cultural setting thus enhancing the system’s or institution’s capacity to function in effective manners (Dolhun, E. P. et al 2003). Culture influences an individual’s values, perceptions, beliefs and opinions. It influences how patients respond to healthcare givers and the medication prescribed to them. Therefore it is very important that nurses and other medical practitioners seek to improve their awareness towards the issues raised by cultural diversity in order to improve on service delivery. This paper examines ways in which a nurse can be more culturally competent. It also examines the opportunities in the work place and nursing school that requires culturally focused health practices. Additionally the paper discusses the issues of self-assessment and client assessment that is geared towards the delivery of culturally competent health solutions. Importance of Culture to Nursing. The US is comprised of the most culturally diverse population. A big percentage of the world’s ethnic, religious and cultural groups are represented in this population. This has created a most unique opportunity as well as challenge to many organizations in the service delivery sector. This is because people from all cultures get ill at one point in time and they have to seek treatment. Nurses are thus presented with patients from very diverse cultural backgrounds. Culture influences how different people will respond to the different ways of health service delivery, interventions and treatment (Dolhun, E. P et al. 2003). It is therefore important for nurses to move towards achieving cultural competence in order to effectively deal with the challenges that come with the cultural reality. Because of the demographic situation in America service providers are under pressure to provide more culturally correct services. The nursing profession cannot be left behind and therefore the need to comply with the changing needs is overwhelming. Language limitations are also another issue of concern in attaining cultural competence. Ethical Factor One ethical principle that guides nurses in their endeavour to provide culturally appropriate care is the appreciating that everyone regardless of their cultural persuasion is entitled to receive quality health care. Cultural differences can influence the caregiver’s prejudices and bias towards a patient (Galanti G. A. 1997). In a similar way a patient can misconstrue the caregiver’s actions and words. This can serve to lower the quality of care given to this particular patient. Professional ethics require that there be no form of discrimination in the provision of health care but in a situation where there is prejudice on either party, then the quality of care is compromised. Similarly what is considered ethical may have serious consequences when viewed from a cultural context. A fitting example is when the doctor feels obliged to divulge some information to a patient or a certain member of the family, because in some cultures it is believed that giving certain information to a sick person is unacceptable, the doctors ‘ethical’ actions may be viewed in very bad light Nurse’s responsibility Nurses are usually supposed to care for the general well being of a patient, they ought to be able to understand and empathize with the patient in order to cater for their physical and emotional needs. On an individual level, a nurse has a responsibility to learn the practices that are in accordance to cultural competence. It is important that nurses should have an attitude that goes further than just learning acceptable cultural behaviours. Nurses must be motivated by compassion to the patients and driven by moral responsibility (Tervalon M. Murray-Garcia J. 1998). This allows them to display a genuine concern and is thus motivated to internalize harmonious attitudes towards achieving cultural competence. In a hospital setting a nurse is required to be able to anticipate the issues that may arise due to cultural disparities and lack of proficiency in certain languages. They are also to understand the others’ points of view as well as appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of these points of view. In addition to this, respecting the cultural differences is key to the ability to provide culturally appropriate care. Since the issues raised by cultural diversity are multi-faceted in nature, they require a holistic approach that calls for a total overhaul in the nurses’ ways of thinking. There is no one culture that is the standard of what is good or bad and therefore an open mind is important as nurses move towards delivering health care that exemplifies cultural competence. Achieving this kind of competence is only possible if one comes to self-awareness and recognizes their own values, beliefs, opinions, prejudices and biases (Dolhun, E. P. 2003). From here, they can be able to understand how they respond to different points of view from other. Inorder to come to self-awareness one needs to examine their own cultural and environmental backgrounds. An underlying ethnocentricity is part most people where one is protective and to an extent defensive when it comes to cultural differences (Switzer, G. E et al 1998). However in the nursing practice each nurse should be flexible and work towards developing skills of responding to varied cultural settings and situations. Nursing Schools Similarly in nursing schools one is required to meet most of the aforementioned standards. In addition to that communication skills are developed in school. Learning to communicate effectively in a cultural context entails being open-minded, respectful and shunning any form of prejudice or bias (Robins, L. et al 1998). It is a great opportunity to learn form and about other cultures. Other communication skills that are essential are listening skills that enable one to establish a rapport with the others. Language skills also play an important role in communication and as such each student nurse has a responsibility to learn other languages. Ofcourse it is not possible to learn all the languages there are but one can do their best and that is what is required of them. In the same way nurses should have skills that would enable them to assess the patient in a cultural context. This would entail finding out as much detail on the patient as possible. It would help to understand their ethnic background, socio-economic class, religion, age group and other social entities that they identify with. Learning about their experiences could also aid in establishing biases. Impact of culture on health care In the year 2010 more than 45% of all patients in the US will come from minority cultures. This is due to immigration that is the greatest contributor to the cultural diversity (Tervalon M. Murray-Garcia J. 1998). The health sector has realized the reality of these facts and medical practitioners are now given incentives to encourage them to take up learning on cultural diversity. This is changing the entire medical profession. Many initiatives have been put in place in order to bridge health differences that exist between minority groups and the white Americans. The existence of cultural difference may impact negatively on the care given. Cultural factor do affect the response to the different methods of treatment and diagnosis. Some ideas are perceived differently in different cultures and in some extreme cases family members can react in ways that may seem bizarre in the western world. Conclusion The issue of culture is increasingly attaining great importance with the ever-changing cultural mixture. The provision of healthcare is now taking cognizance of the effects of culture on the delivery of these vital services. It has been realized that cultural differences have been an impact on the quality of care given. Nurses and other medical practitioner are now under increased pressure to attain cultural competence in order to achieve high standards of quality. This paper opines the achievement of an all round cultural competence is a long journey. It will take a collective as well as an individual effort to achieve. Nurses have a personal responsibility to seek to understand the cultural factor. Additionally each one of them needs to appreciate their moral duty to seek self-awareness inorder to understand their own behaviour in response to other people with a differing opinion. Respect and a non-judgemental attitude are important if one is to overcome the ethnocentricity that is part of every human being. This awareness cultivates interest and inquiry. Once this point has been reached cultural differences will be viewed as learning opportunities that will spur personal growth. Reference Dolhun, E. P. Munoz, C. and Grumbach, K. (2003). â€Å"Cross-cultural education in U. S. medical schools: Development of an assessment tool. † Academic Medicine. Galanti G. A. (1997). Caring for Patients from Different Cultures: Case studies from American hospitals. 2nd ed. University of Philadelphia Press. Philadelphia, PA. Riddick S. (1998). Improving access for limited English-speaking consumers: A review of strategies in health care settings. J Health Care Poor Underserved. Supp vol 9: Robins, L. S. Alexander, G. L. , Wolf, F. M. , Fantone, J. C. , & Davis, W. K. (1998). â€Å"Development and evaluation of an instrument to assess medical students’ cultural attitudes. † Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association, Switzer, G. E. Scholle, S. H. , Johnson, B. A. , & Kelleher, K. J. (1998). â€Å"The Client Cultural Competence Inventory: An instrument for assessing cultural competence in behavioral managed care organizations. † Journal of Child and Family Studies, Tervalon M. Murray-Garcia J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. J Health Care Poor Underserved.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Approval Of The Institutional Review Board - 1225 Words

Prior to the conduction of this study, the researcher sought the approval of the Institutional Review Board with the Protection of Human Subjects in research. The researcher completed re-certification with the Institutional Review Board training on May 29, 2014 (See Appendix C). The researcher provided IRB with information such as research protocol, interview protocol, Demographic Questionnaire, researcher’s background information, consent form, and investigator’s assurance. Upon IRB approval, the research contacted the contacted the Superintendent of each school district for their permission to conduct the study in their districts. Next the principals of the schools were contacted for their permission to interview teachers in their building. At this point, the research was able to contact the participants for an interview. The Principals, after permission was given for the study, were asked to provide the participants e-mail addresses and phone numbers. In this q ualitative phenomenological research, the researcher went to the building that the participants’ schools were located for participants’ convenience. The researcher followed a protocol of first conducting individual interviews with each of the ten participants. A semi-structured, conversational style of individual interviewing was adopted in order to explore the respondents’ stories which made interviewing multiple subjects more methodical (See Appendix A for Interview Protocol). According to Meehan, 20014),Show MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of The Clinical Trials1584 Words   |  7 Pagessubjects in the clinical trials. They are USCFR Title21 Part 50, 56 (Protection of Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards, 1991), and USCFR Title 46 (The Common Rule, 1981). These federal regulations combined with International conference of Harmonization (ICH) will provide significant protection to the human subjects in clinical trials. Clinical trials play a significant role in the drug approval process. Clinical trials provide the confirmation whether or not a drug is safe for a human beingRead MoreEthics Deals With Sets Of Acceptable845 Words   |  4 Pagesrather what can be defined as general acceptable behaviors. For instances, each individual perceives and value things differently based on his or her family upbringing and moral background. That is why many governmental agencies, professional, institutional organizations have to put together some set of rules that will guide its members. Some of these rules are written (as in the case of businesses, educational institutions, religious organizations etc.) while in some case, rules are unwritten, ratherRead MoreDrug Fda Center For Drug Evaluation And Research1420 Words   |  6 Pages Drug Approval Process - Relevant FDA Centers: The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), the largest of six FDA centers, plays an essential rule in public safety and health by ensuring that the available drugs in the market are safe and effective for their proposed use. CDER mission is to regulate new drugs, including over-the-counter and prescription treatments, and provide doctors and patients with necessary information to use these drugs wisely and efficiently. CDER, however,Read MoreEssay On Cardiovascular Disease753 Words   |  4 Pagesactivity. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Ethics is critical in research in order to protect participant personal rights and â€Å"maintain credibility of the researcher, the team, and even the organization conducting the research project† (Burian, Rogerson, Maffei III, 2010). Before collecting data from participants, Trident University doctoral students must obtain an approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The latter is a committee including at least five members. The board ensures researchersRead MoreResearch Ethics : The Advancement Of Ethically Sound Research890 Words   |  4 PagesResearch ethics review is vital to the advancement of ethically sound research. Before individuals can be enrolled in a clinical study, the research must be approved by a research ethics board (REB), an independent committee composed of medical and scientific experts, ethicists, researchers and healthcare professionals, as well as non-scientific members such as legal and privacy experts and members representing the commu nity. The REB’s role is to ensure that the proposed research adequately protectsRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act ( Hipaa )1113 Words   |  5 Pageshealth and well-being. â€Å"(Secretary, H. O. n.d.). Researchers complied with the HIPAA ruling by implementing collection of waivers, consent forms, and surveys, which required approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) before data could be used. It appears that for the most part, with proper documentation and proper review and authorization of the documentation, HIPAA has not hindered researchers in their data collection from patients. However, there are those who believed that the implementationRead MoreIntroduction 2 Corporate governance Requirements†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦.3 The link betwwen1700 Words   |  7 Pagesbanking markets involved many important issues regarding to corporate governance regulation for banking enterprises and this includes Changes in regulatory framework In both UK and European Union the Governments and regulators have been encouraging institutional investors to be at the top of the movement towards a new responsible capitalism. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) announced on 28th Sep 2012 changes in UK Corporate Governance Code and Stewardship Code, as a response to the Euro crisis, alsoRead MoreAnimal Testing And Its Effects On Society1393 Words   |  6 Pagescondition. During phase two, studies assist with providing essential information of how the drug should be administrated to the patients. Phase three is solely based on identifying key information that can be provided to the FDA in hopes for the approval of the drug to be marketed. Vital information includes the effectiveness, benefits, risks and safety linked to the drug. After all research has been conducted including the testing of all animal and human studies associated, the New Drug applicationRead MoreIntroduction And Evolution Of Eia1480 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction and Evolution of EIA Legislation in Canada Environmental Impact Assessment is widely used in Canada as an instrument for development, planning and decision making. The institutional arrangements fix this purpose are both well developed and administratively complex. Canada is a federal state in which responsibility for EIA is divided between the National Level, ten provinces, two territories, municipal and First Nation jurisdictions. All of these jurisdictions have established operationalRead MoreConventional Hardbound Textbooks or E-Textbooks? Research Methodology1182 Words   |  5 Pages Methodology Setting The research will be conducted at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Accordingly, the research proposal will be submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human subjects review and approval. Participants The sampling frame will consist of freshmen students enrolled in introductory level courses in the math, English, and psychology departments for three consecutive years. A convenience sampling procedure based on the normally occurring matriculation